SHaDoS – Input Form

Host Star and Habitable Zone Settings

Habitable Zone of Main Sequence Stars
Image credit: PHL @ UPR Arecibo

Please choose the spectral type of the host star.

There are four pre-defined spectral types: F, G, K, and M.

Optionally, you can select user defined values for the stellar luminosity and effective temperature.

Giant Planet Settings

Jupiter-like Exoplanet
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/
Kevin M. Gill © CC BY

Please enter the mass, distance from the host star, and orbital eccentricity of the giant planet.

The planet's mass is given in units of Jupiter's mass.

The distance relative to the host star is given in astronomical units.

Note that the eccentricity must be in the range 0 ≤ e < 1.

Secondary Star Settings

Artist Impression of Kepler-16 Binary Star System
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Please enter the mass, distance from the host star, and orbital eccentricity of the secondary star.

The star's mass is given in units of the solar mass.

The distance relative to the host star is given in astronomical units.

Note that the distance of the planet has to be smaller than the distance to the secondary star.

Note that the eccentricity must be in the range 0 ≤ e < 0.6.

Grid-type and Grid-dimension Settings

Here you can specify the two parameters of the parameter space.

Select a first type of variable from the drop-down list to assign it to the x-dimension of the grid (independent variable). Then, define the minimum and maximum values of the corresponding parameter, and choose the number of samples.

Note that a large number of samples will slow down the computation.

Finally, select the second type of variable from the drop-down list to assign it to the y-dimension of the grid (dependent variable).