German |
Schedule |
Videos |
Asteroid Day introduction |
Introduction videos Observation of an asteroid |
This year the Asteroid Day will be performed for the first time at our Department of Astrophysics (Sternwarte) starting at 5 pm in the Hoersaal
room and finishing at 10:30 pm. Our experts on asteroids will share their knowledge on this topic, giving different talks (mostly in German,
but also in English) about the physical characteristics, observations, and the dynamics of these bodies. |
Organisation: Mattia Galiazzo, Rudolf Dvorak und die Astrodynamik Gruppe (ADG) | |
Time |
Title / Name |
Foto |
Teaser |
17.00 |
Introduction from the Dirketor of the Institute (B. Ziegler) |
-- |
17.05 |
Geschichte der Asteroidenforschung in Wien (R. Dvorak) |
Abstract |
17.20 |
Johann Palisas Beitrag zur Entdeckung von Asteroiden (M. G. Firneis) |
Abstract |
17.50 |
Allgemeine Einführung zu den Kleinkörpern im Sonnensystem (R. Schwarz) |
-- |
18.20 |
Zur Entdeckung und Namensgebung von Asteroiden (C. Goldmann) |
Abstract |
18.50 |
Pause mit Erfrischungen (J. Höfinger) |
-- |
19.15 |
Near-Earth-Asteroids and Impacts (M. Galiazzo)Talk in English |
Abstract |
19.50 |
Kollisionssimulationen (T.I. Maindl) |
Abstract |
20.15 |
Trojaner im Sonnensystem (R. Schwarz) |
Abstract |
20.40 |
Kuipergürtel-Objekte (E. Pilat-Lohinger) |
Abstract |
21.00 |
Pause mit Erfrischungen (J. Höfinger) |
-- |
21.15 |
Das 1.5m-Teleskop am Schöpfel (W. W. Zeilinger) |
Abstract |
21.30 |
Der Hauptgürtel der Asteroiden und die Kirkwoodgaps (R. Dvorak) |
Abstract |
22.00 |
Asteroiden als geplantes Rohstofflager (A. Bazso) |
Abstract |