6th Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium

6th Alexander von Humboldt
Colloquium for Celestial Mechanics

A comparison of the dynamical evolution of planetary systems

21.03.2004 - 27.03.2004

Pictures of the Conference

Hotel Winkler
5630 Bad Hofgastein,
Salzburg, Austria


S. Ferraz-Mello, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

R. Dvorak, Vienna (Austria)
E. Pilat-Lohinger, Vienna (Austria)
K. Seidelmann, Washington (USA)
K. G. Strassmeier (Germany)
C. Froeschle, Nice (France)
J. Hadjidimetriou, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Y. Sun, Nanjing (China)


R. Dvorak, E. Pilat-Lohnger,
F. Freistetter, B. Funk, R. Schwarz, R. Zechner


  • Extrasolar Planetary Systems
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Near Earth Asteroids
  • Comets and Asteroids

Transportations to Bad Hofgastein

Salzburg and Munich airports (flight reservation),
further transfer to Bad Hofgastein

Course information of the Austrian Railroad Company
Motorail: every Saturday Vienna - Bischofshofen,
from Vienna: 7.05 am - 7.30 loading,
departure: 7.45 am, arrival at Bischofshofen: 12.53 pm

Via Salzburg (approx. 1 h): Tauernautobahn motorway to Bischofshofen, exit Gasteinertal, federal road no. 167 to Bad Hofgastein.
Via Innsbruck (approx. 2 h): motorway Kufstein - Salzburg - Villach, exit Zell am See/Gasteiner Tal.
Route Planner

LINKS - Bad Hofgastein

Bad Hofgastein
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Getting to Bad Hofgastein

Travel Informations
Transportation in the SalzburgerLand

Homepage of the Austrian Railroad Company

(preliminary list)

Shoaib Afridi
Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Christian Beauge
University of Cordoba, Argentina

Eric Bois
University of Bordeaux, France

George Contopoulos
Astronomy Center of the Academy of Athens, Greece

Rudolf Dvorak
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Christos Efthymiopoulos
Astronomy Center of the Academy of Athens, Greece

Balint Erdi
Eoetvoes University Budapest, Hungary

Sylvio Ferraz-Mello
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Florian Freistetter
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Christiane Froeschle
Observatoire de la Cote d`Azur, France

Claude Froeschle
Observatoire de la Cote d`Azur, France

Barbara Funk
Unversitaet Wien, Austria

Thomas Granzer
AIP Potsdam, Germany

John Hadjidemtriou
University of Thessaloniki, Greece

James Howard
University of Colorado, Boulder CO USA

Simos Ichtaroglou
University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Zoran Knezevic
Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Helmut Lammer
IWF Graz, Austria

Anne Lemaitre
FUNDP, Belgium

Christoph Lhotka
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Guenther Lustig
Universitaet Graz, Austria

Christian Marchal
ONERAS, France

Andrea Milani
Universita di Pisa, Italy

Octavio Miloni
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Elke Pilat-Lohinger
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Birgit Priebe
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Philip Robutel
IMCCE, France

Florian Rodler
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Archie Roy
Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Zsolt Sandor
Eoetvoes University Budapest, Hungary

Richard Schwarz
Universitaet Wien, Austria

Ken Seidelmann
University of Virginia, USA

Jean Souchay
Observatoire de Paris, France

Joachim Stadel
University of Zuerich, Switzerland

Yi Sui Sun
University of Nanjing, China

Aron Süli
Eoetvoes University Budapest, Hungary

Tian Ling
University of Nanjing, China

Kleomenis Tsiganis
Observatoire de la Cote d`Azur, France

Giovanni Valsecchi
University degli Studi di Roma, Italy

Harry Varvoglis
University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Nikolaos Voglis
Reserch Center for Astronomy, Academy of Athens, Greece

Werner von Bloh
PIK Potsdam, Germany

Guenther Wuchterl
Max-Planck Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

Renate Zechner
Universitaet Wien, Austria


MONDAY 22.03.2004

08:20-08:30 R. Dvorak
Opening Address

08:30-09:25 C. Beauge
Planetary Migration and Resonant Extrasolar Planets

09:25-10:20 G. Wuchterl
Planet Formation: Towards Understanding Diversity

Coffee Break
10:50-11:15 K. Seidelmann
Astrometry for Discovering Planets

11:15-11:40 J. Hadjidemetriou
On the stability of resonant extrasolar planetary systems

11:40-12:05 B. Erdi
Stability of co-orbital motions in exoplanetary systems

12:05-12:30 C. Marchal
The solution of Ferraz Mello's problems

Lunch Break

Evening Discussion: Exoplanets

TUESDAY 23.03.2004

08:30-09:25 C. Efthymiopoulos
Improved Nekhoroshev-type estimates for the asymptotic properties of formal series

09:25-10:20 J. Stadel
Supercomputing and N-body Simulations

Coffee Break

10:50-11:15 G. Contopoulos
Chaos in the case of two fixed black holes

11:15-11:40 A. Lemaitre
Spin-orbit rotation of Mercury

11:40-12:05 Ch. Froeschle
New mappings for modelling the galactic tide

12:05-12:30 N. Voglis
Global dynamics in self-consistent galactic models

Lunch Break
20:00-20:25 R. Zechner
Stability of Earthlike planets in the habitable zones of five extrasolar systems

20:25-20:50 C. Lhotka
A high order perturbation expansion to the Sitnikov Problem by using Mathematica

WEDNESDAY 24.03.2004

08:30-09:30 Z. Knezevic
From Astrometry to Celestial Mechanics. Orbit determination with very short arcs

09:30-10:30 A. Milani
Preliminary and Constrained Orbits from Two Nights of Data

Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 G. Valsecchi
The cases of 1997 XF11 and 1999 AN10 revisited

11:30-12:00 O. Miloni/S. Ferraz-Mello
Analytical Proper Elements for Hilda Asteroids

12:00-12:30 J. Souchay
About Very Accurate Knowledge of the Rotation of Asteroids: Application to Eros 433

12:30-13:00 K. Tsiganis
Chaotic diffusion and effective stability of Jupiter Trojans

Lunch Break

20:00-20:30 F. Freistetter
Statistical Properties of Near-Earth Asteroids

Evening Discussion: Near-Earth Asteroids (?)

THURSDAY 25.03.2004

08:30-09:25 W. von Bloh
Habitability of extrasolar planetary systems

09:25-10:20 H. Lammer
Evolution of exoplanetary atmospheres

Coffee Break

10:50-11:15 S. Ichtiaroglou
On the significance of the average value of the perturbation along the periodic orbits of the unperturbed system

11:15-11:40 Y. Sun
The role of hyperbolic invariant sets in stickiness effects

11:40-12:05 P. Robutel
The resonant structure of the Jupiter's Trojans and its evolution

12:05-12:30 R. Dvorak
On the stability regions of the Trojan asteroids

Lunch Break

Evening: "Salzburger Abend"

FRIDAY 26.03.2004

08:30-09:25 C. Froeschle
Local diffusion and global drift along resonant lines in continuous and discrete quasi--integrable dynamical systems

09:25-10:20 L. Kiseleva-Eggleton/E. Bois
Stabilizing Mechanisms for Extra-Solar Multi-Planetary Systems

Coffee Break

10:50-11:15 Zs. Sandor
Stability of Earth-like planets in exoplanetary systems

11:15-11:40 E. Pilat-Lohinger
Dynamical stability of the habitable zone of close binaries

11:40-12:05 S. Afridi
The Caledonian Symmetrical N-Body problem for planetary systems and stellar clusters

12:05-12:30 J. Howard
The Discrete Virial Theorem