Curiculum Vitae of Rudolf Dvorak

 date of birth February 26th 1946
 place of birth Freistadt (Upper Austria)
 1952 - 1964 elementary and high school in Vienna
 1964 Majoring in Vienna
 1966 - 1974 University studies in Vienna: mathematics, physics, philosophy and as main subject astronomy
 1972 April 24th Ph.D. (Astronomy)
 1972/1973 Center for Nuclear studies, Seibersdorf, Austria
 1973-1984 postdoctoral position at the University in Graz, Austria
 1974/1975 Bureau des Longitudes, Paris
 1977 Habilitation in Graz
 1984 Assistant professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Vienna
 1989 Sep./Oct. Guest professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville
 1990-1995 Vice-director of the Institute of Astronomy, Vienna
 since 1991 Associate professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Vienna
 since 1994 Head of the Astro Dynamics Group (ADG)
 1994 Sep./Oct. Guest professor at the University of Nanjing, China
 1995/1996 Guest professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville
 1997 Feb. Bureau des Longitudes, Paris
 2000 Sep./Oct. DANOF, Observatoire de Paris
 2001 Oct./Nov. IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris

Scientific Memberships and Activities

  International Astronomical Union (IAU)
  Scientific organizing committee of IAU commission 7 (Celestial Mechanics)
  Associate editor of Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
  Referee for the main journals in astronomy: eg.
  • Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Planetary and Space Science
  • Monthly Notices
  Organizer of the following international colloquia
  • 5 Alexander von Humboldt Colloquia for Celestial Mechanics (1984,1988,1992,1996,2000, Austria)
  • Perturbation Theory and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamics with Emphasis to Celestial Mechanics (1995, Universidade da Madeira)
  • Modern Astrometry and Astrodynamics (1998, University of Vienna)
  • 3 Austrian-Hungarian Workshops on Trojans and related Topics (1999,2000,2002, Vienna and Budapest)
  Main international collaboration (with recent common publications)
  • E. Bois (Bordeaux)
  • J. Chapront (Paris)
  • G. Contopoulos (Athens)
  • Cl. Froeschlé (Nice)
  • S. Ferraz-Mello (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro)
  • J. Hagel (CERN)
  • J. Kallrath (BASF)
  • L. Kiseleva-Eggleton (CA,USA)
  • Y.S. Sun (Nanjing)
  • H. Varvoglis (Thessaloniki)
  European and Austrian Scientific Projects
  • Human Capital and Mobility (1993-1995)
  • FWF (Austrian Science Foundation) projects during the last 10 years
  • Amade programme (Nice)
  • Sokrates: exchange of professors (Thessaloniki)
  contributed papers and invited lectures in about 100 international conferences during the last 25 years
  contributed papers and about 100 published papers (about 40 in refereed journals)

Teaching Experience

  Since 1975 I am lecturing at university level for graduate and undergraduate: at the universities of Graz (until 1984) and Vienna (sice 1980) and the technical university of Vienna:
  • Stellar atmospheres
  • Stellar structure and evolution
  • Cosmology
  • Double stars
  • Celestial Mechanics
  • Physics of the planetary systems
  • Mathematical methods of astronomy
  Up to now I graduated some 10 PhD students