Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
Comments |
22.10.2015 |
V. Doultsinou |
Free-floating planet scattering by a star-planet pair |
Nachsitzung |
29.10.2015 |
B. Loibnegger |
Accretion of the Moon from non-canonical discs |
05.11.2015 |
E. Pilat-Lohinger |
The role of dynamics for habitability |
12.11.2015 |
K. Kislyakova |
Trojan satellites as plasma source in Hot-Jupiter systems |
19.11.2015 |
D. Bancelin |
Asteroid flux towards the habitable zone in planetary systems |
26.11.2015 |
R. Dvorak |
Dynamical investigations about the lunar formation |
03.12.2015 |
A. Karnthaler |
Transneptunian Binaries |
10.12.2015 |
entfällt |
17.12.2015 |
Á. Bazsó |
Secular architecture of giant-planet dominated binary star systems |
07.01.2016 |
P. Winter |
TNO disk objects |
14.01.2016 |
W. Sakuler |
Water: From clouds to planets |
21.01.2016 |
N. Cvetkovic |
The Grand Tack scenario revisited |
ACHTUNG: abgesagt! |
28.01.2016 |
M. Agun |
Terrestrial planet formation |