Date |
Speaker |
Topic |
Comments |
03.10.2013 |
Betriebsausflug |
10.10.2013 |
G. Perrin |
Astrophysik und Bedingungen für die Lebensentstehung |
19:00 Uhr, Französisches Kulturinstitut Wien (Währinger Strasse 30) |
17.10.2013 |
N. Haghighipour |
Science with the 'Kepler' space telescope |
Nachsitzung |
24.10.2013 |
D. Bancelin |
Near Earth Asteroids: From observations to collisions |
07.11.2013 |
C. Lhotka |
Poynting-Robertson-drag in the 1:1 mean motion resonance |
14.11.2013 |
R. Dvorak |
Kepler KOI 351: A seven planet extra-solar system |
21.11.2013 |
E. Pilat-Lohinger |
The influence of the giant planets on the habitability of the Earth |
28.11.2013 |
S. Riecker |
SPH simulation on GPU |
05.12.2013 |
H. Lammer |
Escape of protoatmospheres from terrestrial planets inside the habitable zone of solar like stars |
12.12.2013 |
M. Galiazzo |
Nowadays NEOs and Comet C/2012 S1 ISON |
09.01.2014 |
B. Funk |
Habitable planets in exchange motion |
16.01.2014 |
C. Goldmann |
From Observations to Planetary Parameters - Insights to the Transit Method |
23.01.2014 |
R. Zechner |
Habitable zones around main-sequence stars |
30.01.2014 |
F. Rodler |
All you wanted to know about weight problems of exoplanets and their identity crises |
Nachsitzung |