Date |
speaker |
topics |
comments |
01.03.2012 |
Ch. Lhotka |
A Hadjidemetriou mapping for the spin-orbit problem |
Nachsitzung |
08.03.2012 |
E. Pilat-Lohinger |
Habitable Zones in Binary Star Systems |
13.03.2012 |
N. Georgakarakos |
Eccentricity Generation in Hierarchical Triple Systems and its Applications in defining Habitable Zones in Exoplanetary Systems |
15.03.2012 |
O. Furdui |
Comparison of Integration Methods from N-Body to SPH |
22.03.2012 |
R. Dvorak |
Crash Course in Celestial Mechanics |
29.03.2012 |
R. Dvorak, E. Pilat-Lohinger |
Vorbereitung/Vergabe der Vortragsthemen |
19.04.2012 |
M. Lendl |
From Transits to Occultations - Studying Giant Planets with High Precision Photometry |
26.04.2012 |
A. Bazso, M. Galiazzo |
43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference / Texas |
03.05.2012 |
E. Tschurtschenthaler |
The stability of the terrestrial planets with a more massive Mars |
10.05.2012 |
T. Maindl |
Astronomers in industry |
Nachsitzung |
31.05.2012 |
K. Tsiganis |
Planet formation in the presence of highly inclined stellar perturbers |
Nachsitzung |
14.06.2012 |
A. Süli, A. Baszo |
Numerical codes, SPH and others |
21.06.2012 |
M. Galiazzo |
Impacts and craters |