Heinrich Eichorn Kolloqium
Modern Astrometrie and Astrodynamics
May 25th-26th 1998    at the Institute of Astronomy, Vienna
time   speaker   theme
Monday, May 25th, 1998
09.00   M.Breger   Welcome adress
  H. Haupt
G. Contopoulos
  Laudatio for Prof. H. Eichhorn
  E. Hog   The Second Tycho Catalogue from the Hipparcos Mission
10.00   Coffeebreak
10.30   R. Wielen   The Combination of HIPPARCOS Data with Ground-Based Astrometric Measurements:
Results and Problems in Constructing theFK6
  W.H. Jefferys   Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors
  E.M. Standish   The Observations of Galileo
12.00   Lunchbreak
14.00   H.C. Smith   Trigonometric Parallaxes with HIPPARCOS Data
  R.L. Smart   The Galactic Warp in Hipparcos, a Comparison of the Old and Young Stellar Populations
  R. Drimmel   Modelling the Distribution and Kinematics of OB Stars from Hipparcos
15.30   Coffeebreak
16.00   M. Rapaport   Determination of Parallaxes using the CentralOverlap Methods - some Theoretical
and Observational Results
  J. Morrison   The Astrometric Techniques for Schmidt Plates, with Examples from the Guide
Star Catalog II
  G. Contopoulos   The Form and Significance of Dynamical Spectra
17.30   Break
18.00   H. Fasching   Public talk : Nachrichten aus der Welt der Sternbildmythen (in german)
19.00   Reception at the observatory to a typical Viennese meal
Tuesday, May 26th, 1998
09.00   J. Kallrath   Least Squares Methods for Models Including Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
  D. Pourbaix   On the Right Representation of the Observations in Least-Squares Adjustments
10.00   Coffeebreak
10.30   J. Pfleiderer   Edge Sharpening within a Smoothing Deconvolution
  R.L. Branham   Total Least Squares: Fact and Fiction
  M.G. Firneis   General Least Squares Estimators in the Non-Normal Distribution Case
12.00   Lunchbreak
14.00   W.M. Owen   High Accuracy Asteroid Astrometry from Table Mountain Observatory
  R.E. Wilson   Parametrization of Circumstellar Scattering and Fluorescence in Binaries
  K. Wodnar   Local Stability and Chaos in Dynamical Systems - Dimension Reduction in the Symplectic
Eigenvalue Problem and Critical Analysis of the Classical Method of Calculation of
Lyapunov Exponents
15.30   Coffeebreak
16.00   S. Dermott   Dynamical Evolution of Dust in the Solar System
  E. Lohinger   Analysis of Asteroids in Stable Chaotic Motion
  R. Dvorak   Is Mercury in a Collision Orbit ?
17.30   End of the Colloquium