5th Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium

New Developments in the Dynamics of Planetary Systems
March 19th - 25th 2000 in Bad Hofgastein, Austria
The conference is over now - if you want to some photos, click the image !

The conference is over now and all of us (hopefully) spent a nice week in Bad Hofgastein. Below you can find a summary of the program with the possibility to see the abstracts online (and to download them). Please forgive us the errors in the abstracts, they are mainly due to conversion problems from tex to html - we hope to eliminate them in the next days. If it was possible, we also put some more informations online. If anyone wants to add her or his talk, just send us what you want to be published (tex, txt or html files are preferred, but we take all you want to send us. If your data is not digital, just fax them to us : +43 1 4277 9518, weŽll try to put them online). If there are any JavaScript Problems, and you can't view the abstracts, then please use the Abstract Overview.

Scientific Organizing Committee
Chairman J.Henrard Namur, Belgium
R.Dvorak Vienna, Austria
K. Seidelmann Washington, USA
S.Ferraz-Mello Sao Paulo, Brasil
C.Froschlé Nice, France
J.Hadjidemetriou Thessaloniki, Greece
Y.Sun Nanjing, China
Local Organizing Committee
Chairman R.Dvorak Vienna, Austria
F. Freistetter Vienna, Austria
E. Pilat-Lohinger Vienna, Austria
G. Lustig Graz, Austria
K. Wodnar Vienna, Austria
Scientific Topics
Long Term Evolution
Perturbation Theory
Planetary Systems
Chaos and Stability
Symbolic Dynamics

5th Alexander von Humboldt Kolloquium
  time speaker theme abstract other  
Monday, March 20th, 2000
  08.30 J.Henrard, R.Dvorak Opening Adress  
  08.35 W. Jefferys Heinrich Eichhorn lecture : Statistics for Twenty-first Century Astrometry [html] [tex] PDF Files of talk and plots  
  09.25 H. Smith Transformation Methods for Trigonometric Parallaxes [html] [tex]  
  09.50 N. Voglis Counterrotating Galaxies and Memory of Cosmological Initial Conditions [html] [tex]  
  Coffee Break  
  10.50 S. Ichtiaroglou Degenerate Bifurcations of Resonant Tori in Hamiltonian Systems [html] [tex]  
  11.15 E. Meletlidou [html] [tex]  
  11.40 J. Henrard Fractal Windows for escaping stars [html] [tex]  
  12.05 A. Celletti Periodic Orbits in the Spin-Orbit Problem [html] [tex]  
  20.30 Vienna Mozart Trio Classical Concert Program Homepage  
Tuesday, March 21th, 2000
  08.30 A. Roy Lecture honoring Victor Szebehely : Lifting the Darkness : Science in the Third Millenium  
  09.20 T. Michtchenko Modeling the 5:2 Mean Motion Resonance in the Jupiter - Saturn System [html] [tex]  
  09.45 J. Hadjidemetriou The use of Symplectic Maps in the Study of Resonant Asteroid Motion [html] [tex]  
  Coffee Break  
  10.40 Z. Knezevic Asteroid Synthetic Proper Elements [html] [tex]  
  11.05 G. Hahn Long-term orbital integration studies of 1998 AK8 and P/O.D.A.S. (1998 X1) [html] [tex]  
  11.30 P. Michel Dynamical study and sources of different populations of Earth-crossers [html] [tex]  
  11.55 D. de Niem Satellite Assisted Gravitational Capture [html] [tex]  
  20.15 G. Valsecchi The distribution of energy perturbations at close planetary encounters [html] [tex]  
  20.40 Ch. Froeschlé The population of the Small-Earth-Asteroids (SEAs) [html] [tex]  
  21.05 Discussion on the Near Earth Asteroids  
Wednesday, March 22th, 2000
  08.30 A. Lemâitre Lecture honoring M.Moons : Mechanism of Capture in External Resonances [html] [tex]  
  09.20 J. Chapront The Improvements of Planetary Theories over 6000 Years [html] [tex]  
  09.45 R. Dvorak, K. Tsiganis Why do Trojan ASCs (not) escape ? [html] [tex]  
  Coffee Break  
  10.30 E. Lega, C. Froeschlé On the Structure of Symplectic Mappings. The Fast Lyapunov Indicator : a very sensitive Tool [html] [tex]  
  11.20 H. Varvoglis The Two Fixed Centers Problem Revisited [html] [tex]  
  11.45 K. Tsiganis Fokker-Planck Modeling of Asteroid Transport [html] [tex]  
  12.10 G. Contopoulos The Crossing of Cantori [html] [tex]  
  20.30 C. Marchal How die scientific theories ?  
Thursday, March 23th, 2000
  08.30 B. Steves, A. Roy Surfaces of Zero-Velocity Curves in a Restricted Equal 4-Body Problem [html] [tex]  
  09.20 R. Broucke Classification of Orbits in the Copenhagen Problem in Three Dimensions [html] [tex]  
  09.45 J. Waldvogel Exploring Hill's Lunar Problem [html] [tex]  
  Coffee Break  
  10.30 E. Pittich About One Case of the Non-Restricted Three Body Problem [html] [tex]  
  10.55 C. Marchal The Simplest Family of Periodic Orbits with Twelve Symmetries per Period in the Three Body Problem [html] [tex]  
  11.20 B. Erdi Phase Space Structure around L4 in the Restricted Three Body Problem [html] [tex]  
  11.45 J.Hagel On the Existence of Nonlinear Stabilization of the Circular Restricted Problem of Three Bodies at mu=muc [html] [tex]  
  20.15 P.K. Seidelmann The Search for Exosolar Systems [html] [tex]  
  20.40 E. Pilat-Lohinger Short Liapunov Indicators for Planets in Double Star Systems [html] [tex]  
  21.05 Discussion on Exosolar planets  
Friday, March 24th, 2000
  08.30 U. Locatelli Rigorous Proofs of the Stability of the Secular Part of a Three Body Planetary Problem : the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn System [html] [tex]  
  09.20 G. Contopoulos The Third Integral in a Self-Consistent Galactical Model [html] [tex]  
  Coffee Break  
  10.30 S. Ferraz Mello The Singularity of Poincaré revisited [html] [tex]  
  10.55 K. Wodnar General Solution of the Taylor Series Coefficient Problem in the Theory of Jacobian Elliptic Functions [html] [tex]  
  11.20 F. Freistetter Fractal dimensions as Chaos Indicators in the Standardmap [html] [tex]  
  11.45 J. Kallrath, R. Dvorak The Phase Space Structure of the General Sitnikov Problem [html] [tex]  
  19.00 Salzburger Abend Special dishes and music from Salzburg Photos  

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