Why do Trojan ASCs (not) escape?

Rudolf Dvorak1 and Kleomenis Tsiganis1,2
1 Intitute of Astronomy - University of Vienna, Austria
2 Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics - University of Thessaloniki, Greece

We integrate numerically the orbits of 12 Trojan asteroids (6 at L4 and 6 at L5), which are known to belong to the class of ASCs(=asteroids in stable chaos) and have Lyapunov times of the order of 104 years. For each object a group of 5 nearby orbits are integrated for 50 Myrs in the model of the outer solar system (OSS=Jupiter-Neptune). The integrations are performed twice, using different integration methods. About 50 % of the orbits present large instabilities in the inclination within the integration time-span; two escapes are also recorded. Secular resonances involving the nodes of the outer planets are found to be responsible for these variations. In contrast to these unstable orbits, no low order resonance is found to be responsible for the observed chaotic behavior. In some cases, orbital stability depends critically on the choice of the initial conditions and, thus, these objects can be regarded as being on the edge of strong chaos. As most of these orbits are concentrated in a specific region of the Trojan belt, where the population is sparce, it may be the case that secular resonances have sculpted some sort of `gap' in this dynamical neighborhood.

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