2nd Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Trojans and related topics
Summary   |   Download the proceedings (large ps file)
The PHOTOS can be found here.
  time speaker theme data  
Tuesday, June 6th, 2000
  09.15 B.Erdi, R.Dvorak Opening Adress  
  09.30 K. Wodnar General Solution of the Taylor series coefficients problem in the theory of Jacobian elliptic functions  
  10.00 B. Erdi Phase space structure around L4 in the RTBP  
  Coffee Break  
  11.00 E. Lohinger Planets in double stars [PS File]  
  11.30 B. Funk The fractal boundary for planetary orbits in double stars  
  12.00 F. Freistetter Fractal Dimensions as Chaos Indicators [PS File]  [Thesis (LARGE!)]  
  Lunch Break  
  14.30 H. Raumauf The chaotic orbits of NEAs Slides : [I(.doc)][II(.ppt)][III(.ppt)]  
  15.30 A. Suli On the structure of the 1:2 resonance in the Kuiper belt  
  Coffee Break  
  16.30 B. Priebe Will Mercury stay on its orbit ?  
  16.30 R. Balla Short time Lyapunov indicators in the case of a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn asteroid system with a special care for the neighbourhood of the 2:1 and 3:2 resonance  
  16.30 F. Téger On the stability of Saturnian Trojans at high inclinations  
  19.00 Informal Evening at the Berliner Cellar  
Wednesday, June 7th, 2000
  09.30 R. Dvorak The general Sitnikov Problem  
  10.00 K. Wodnar The 2-Body fixed center problem  
  Coffee Break  
  11.00 V. Kudielka Lunisolar perturbations of highly inclined Earth's satellites orbits with catastrophic results  
  11.30 G. Auner Exchange Orbits  
  12.00 Zs. Sándor A mapping model for the coorbital problem in the RTBP  

Dr. Rudolf Dvorak 

Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien

Türkenschanzstraße 17
A-1180 Wien 
Tel.: +43 1 470 68 00 40
Fax: +43 1 470 66 83 15
Email: dvorak@astro.univie.ac.at 
Dr. Érdi Bàlint

Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
TTK Csillagászati Tanszék
Pázmány Péter sétány 1
H-1117 Budapest
Tel.: +267 08 20 66 19
Email: balint.erdi@elte.hu
The workshop addresses the members of the ADG as well as people with an interest in
celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Dvorak or Dr. Erdi.