Austrian Hungarian Workshop
on Trojans and related Topics
May 20th 1999    09.00 - 18.00 at the Institute of Astronomy, Vienna
time   speaker   theme
09.00   Dr. Érdi Bálint, Dr. Rudolf Dvorak   opening adress
09.15   Robert Balla, Zsolt Sandor,
Ferenc Teger
  Application of short time indicators in the circular and elliptic RTBP
09.45   Zsolt Sandor   Phase space near L4 in the RTBP
10.15   none   Coffeebreak
10.45   Florian Freistetter   Stickiness and fractal dimensions
11.15   Dr. Érdi Bálint   Dynamics of satellites of multi-day periods
11.45   Aron Suli   On the dynamics of the Kuiper-belt
12.15   none   Lunchbreak
14.15   Dr. Rudolf Dvorak   The jumping Thersites
14.45   Andras Szell   A special case of the extended Sitnikov problem
15.15   Ferenc Teger   Stability of the L4/L5 points of Saturn
15.45   Dr. Rudolf Dvorak   Hagels stability analysis of L4 for small mass ratios
16.15   none   Coffeebreak
16.45   Tamas Borkovits   Tidal and rotational effects in the long time evolution of triple stellar-systems
17.15   Dr. Karl Wodnar   Some new Ideas on the Analytic Construction of Symplectic Poincare
Maps for Near integrable Hamiltonians
18.15   Mag. Christian Burger   Proper Elements of Trojans
18.45   none   End of the workshop
19.30   all   informal evening at the Heurigen

Dr. Rudolf Dvorak 

Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien

Türkenschanzstraße 17
A-1180 Wien 
Tel.: +43 1 470 68 00 40
Fax: +43 1 470 66 83 15
Dr. Érdi Bálint

Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
TTK Csillagászati Tanszék
Pázmány Péter sétány 1
H-1117 Budapest
Tel.: +267 08 20 66 19
The workshop addresses the members of the ADG as well as people with an interest in
celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy.
If you are interested to join the workshop, please contact Dr. Dvorak